I’m sick. It is now official. My cold has migrated from a cold to a sinus infection to bronchitis. I called Dr. D’s office and they are calling in some antibiotics for me. I’m supposed to stop taking the Sudafed because it stopped working when things started migrating to my lungs. She said I can try one of the other cold/sinus medications though to help me breathe a little easier until the antibiotics kick in. I can’t wait to feel better. I just hope this doesn’t put too big a crimp on our plans for Gavin’s Family Birthday Party tomorrow night. He’s been looking forward to it for a week now.

I just realized I sound like Darth Vader when I breathe. That’s probably not a good thing. Of course, the nurse who called me back is new and she thought I was Rob when I answered the phone. Maybe I’m a bit more congested than I thought. lol

I think I’ll go take a nap now.